Level 31 239 George Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000
(07) 3232 2145


Year Of Call : 2009
Year Of Silk : 2023


Sharnie Carri
Phone: (07) 3232 2145


Click below to download my complete CV for your perusal.


Philip has a broad commercial and corporate practice, which includes contract and resources disputes, general corporate law and insolvency including ASIC civil penalty proceedings, fraud, professional liability and disciplinary matters, public and administrative law, intellectual property, banking, construction, property and trusts disputes.

Philip’s practice includes appearing in the superior courts, ASIC investigations, and in Royal Commissions (such as the Hayne Banking Inquiry and the Robodebt Royal Commission). Philip has significant experience seeking urgent injunctive and other relief across a range of commercial matters. He undertakes matters on a pro bono basis, including criminal appeals under the Court of Appeal’s pro bono scheme.

Prior to admission to the Bar, Philip’s experience included lengthy periods as a litigation solicitor in leading commercial firms in Brisbane, the Channel Islands and London (having been admitted as a solicitor in 1997). He was associate to the Hon. Justice Cooper in the Federal Court of Australia.

Philip was admitted to the Bar in 2009 and took silk in 2023.

Areas Of Practice

  • Arbitrations
  • Expert determinations
  • Mediations
  • Neutral evaluations
  • Referees
  • Civil appeals
  • Criminal appeals
  • Banking (including finance and securities)
  • Bankruptcy
  • Building and construction
  • Class actions
  • Competition
  • Consumer protection law
  • Contractual disputes
  • Corporate insolvency
  • Corporations law
  • Insurance
  • Intellectual property
  • Mining
  • Partnership disputes
  • Real Property including leasing disputes
  • Restraint of trade
  • Telecommunications and broadcasting
  • Fraud
  • White collar and corporate crime
  • Family provision
  • Trusts
  • Wills, probate and estate litigation
  • Commissions and other inquiries
  • Disciplinary hearings
  • Investigations and examinations
  • Professional indemnity liability and insurance
  • Regulatory prosecutions
  • Judicial review and administrative law